Saturday 24 February 2007


How do they get away with it?

Ah yes, of course, Tone decides on a populist eye catcher. One for the legacy - out with the claret and the back of the Villiger packet.

Lets secure the 2012 Olympic Games for London…. For £2.4 Billion (July 2005)…. Oh forgot - need more security £ 3.2 Billion (Feb 2006). Oh forgot - the site clean up costs £ 3.4 Billion ( Feb 2006). Oh forgot – The VAT (Gordon said we won’t have to pay it Doh!) £ 4 Billion (Oct 2006).

Err. Too much claret got the sums wrong… £ 9 Billion (Feb 2007) don’t forget the VAT. £ 10.6 Billion!!

At this rate, £ 0.43 Billion PER MONTH, come 2012 it will cost £ 37 BILLION. Who will pay!! Bloody Londeners with any luck.


Looks like Eco-Dave may well get in next time, albeit on a reduced turnout, what are the odds that that bastion of British democracy Rupert Murdoch will switch horses for the very best of Democratic reasons…………. Personal interest.

Friday 23 February 2007


Blow me down the good old UKIP holed below the water line.

£ 360,000 to be paid back to that bookie because he didn’t register as a voter in 2005. Send for Poirot. Where is the smoking gun? Smells Like Mandleperson or Campbell me but who benefits? Eco-Dave..

Watch this space for the next thrilling episode.

More Thought Police

Down at the Dirty Duck last night my chum Simon rails at yet more legislation.

Multinational sweety companies are not going to be allowed to advertise their pernicious products to kiddies. Under what age is a kiddie? 5? 7?, 10?, 12? Gawd knows. We spent some time trying to work out which new job creation scheme was going to support the soon to be created next department of intrusion and policing. I suppose more off duty snitches from DHSS could report shopkeepers for over-promoting Easter Eggs to the easily corruptible. Simon lit another cheroot and mused that after July he won’t be allowed in the now Clean Duck.....

Doing The Hokey-Kokey

Yesterday 1,000+ troops coming home from Iraq. Today 1,000 more troops going to Afghanistan. I expect I should have guessed it.

Mr Blair fields Defence questions and HE announces pulling out of Iraq. A day later and fully rugged-up from intrusive questions, IT is announced that more troops are to go into Hell-Man. What are the chances of that then?

One can only fell sorry for the friends and families of our over stretched and under supplied troops.

Thursday 22 February 2007

Not fit for purpose

Dr John Reid Bans Guns (Again). – This signals trouble. When the HS who commands a department “not fit for purpose” undertakes another eye catching initiative what follows?

Since Dunblane and Hungerford the banning the legal holding of guns got rid of our Olympic Shooting Team, one of the few things we won medals at, and hugely increased the number of both illegally held guns and gun crime.

How long will it be until we have a new Home Secretary? Must be time for a call to Margret. Doh!

Spin me baby one more time

Woke up to another dreary February day in England to the dulcet tones of Mr Humphries having an “exchange” with just call me Tony. Yes about the war. Is the man terminally self delusional? Struggling to justify the pull out with the job er……. Not done and he leaves enough room to do anything. Totally meaningless.

A coincidence that this is timed for the forthcoming Scottish elections?
Still, better news. Mr Meacher is to stand against GB in the forthcoming Prime Ministerial election. He’s a good bloke but as PM? It would be nice to see Brown reaping what he has sown – but I suspect some other poor sod will occupy No 11 when Brown moves on and will have to deal with his legacy, who I wonder?