Saturday 24 February 2007


How do they get away with it?

Ah yes, of course, Tone decides on a populist eye catcher. One for the legacy - out with the claret and the back of the Villiger packet.

Lets secure the 2012 Olympic Games for London…. For £2.4 Billion (July 2005)…. Oh forgot - need more security £ 3.2 Billion (Feb 2006). Oh forgot - the site clean up costs £ 3.4 Billion ( Feb 2006). Oh forgot – The VAT (Gordon said we won’t have to pay it Doh!) £ 4 Billion (Oct 2006).

Err. Too much claret got the sums wrong… £ 9 Billion (Feb 2007) don’t forget the VAT. £ 10.6 Billion!!

At this rate, £ 0.43 Billion PER MONTH, come 2012 it will cost £ 37 BILLION. Who will pay!! Bloody Londeners with any luck.

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